| 9845944896 | Revenge Porn | Non-consensual Sharing of Intimate Images and Videos
90% of Revenge Porn victims are
either Women or people in the LGBTQ community. 93% reported not only the person
but the family members too underwent severe trauma. 49% of such people surveyed
said they are harassed or stalked online by users who saw their
material. 27% of Indians in the age group of 13 to 45 in the sample
surveyed were subjected to such instances of Revenge porn and this age group is
most vulnerable.
National Crime Records Bureau of
India reports 157% increase year on year in
the number of cases reported for sharing obscene content on the internet.
Unfortunately, some are accidental, but many are driven by vengeance from
the ex-partner to settle scores with either the boy who has moved on or the
girl who is now happily married concealing and forgetting her past.
Revenge Porn is a global phenomenon,
in India its now catching up but less than 5% of cases get reported. The taboo
and stigma associated is such which is also a raising concern for many suicide
cases, job loss, matrimonial disputes leading to divorce and many more repercussions.
95% of Cyber-Crime victims do not even lodge a complaint as the victims, who
are usually women, fear they will get identified and labelled in society, alas
the prevalence of victim shaming. Also comes with it an embarrassment of
showing their content to the person seeking help from which could be the
police, lawyer, parents, siblings, counselor etc…
The First ever case State of West Bengal v Animesh Boxi in the
year 2018 sets precedence with punishment for 5 years and a fine of INR 9,000.
Also, the judgement gives directions to the state government to treat the
victim of Revenge Porn as a Rape Survivor and provide her appropriate
“ Revenge porn is defined as
sexually explicit images of a person posted online without that person’s
consent especially as a form of revenge or harassment. Unfortunately, the
perpetrator and the victim shared an intimate relationship in the past ”
What should you do if you are a
victim of Revenge Porn
- While
you will want the guilty to be punished, first thing first, as soon as you
identify immediately report to the platform where you saw such image / video
either yourself or through your legal counsel and request removal of such
online content.
- Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube restrict nudity, but some medical videos continue to be
available in these platforms usually are that of breast feeding or cancer
detection guides, no matter how intelligent the platforms are some photographs
or videos cannot be detected automatically, reporting will help remove the
- Blogs
often may not be monitored, and such platforms may carry your images / videos
posted by the offender and as a victim reporting to the platform provider gets
these removed immediately.
- Unfortunately,
if the content is removed from or the URLs are deleted, the material may still
be on the hosting website.
- While
these images or videos are in the process of being removed do consult your
legal counsel and identify the options you wish to pursue to both defend your
self and punish the accused.
- You
may also approach a clinical psychologist and during this tough time seek
counselling. I do volunteer for such activities as time permits and as a
practicing advocate work closely with the cyber crime police in assisting
victims and standing for justice. I can be reached at for any guidance or legal
- Gather
evidence of the material, while you have written to the platforms to remove the
content, take screen shots which will form the evidence if you wish to file a
legal suit against the offender.
- Consider
the source of images, identify if you have accidently shared or someone has
intentionally hacked from your personal devices. File a report with the police.
You may directly approach the women’s cell, if you are a resident of Bangalore
do reach the Shivajinagar women Police Station either directly or with your
legal counsel and get the FIR registered and the stage
Legal Remedies for Revenge Porn
Many law makers globally agree that
a definitive law needs to be defined with the quantum of punishment and the
procedure for trail. While law making agencies in few countries have initiated
such bills in their parliaments, In India acts of Revenge Porn often called as
Non consensual pornography or Non consensual sharing of intimate images under
the Section 66E, 67, 67A, 72 IT ACT. Such offences are also tried under section
4 and section 6 of Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (IRWA),
beyond the above acts the offender can be tried depending on the gravity of the
case and parties involved under various sections of IPC not limited to IPC
292,354, 354 A, 354 C, 120 B, 406, 499, 509.
While there are legal remedies, we
need to create a mass awareness and educate the people, especially adolescents
and the youth not to encourage sharing nude pictures over the internet or
engage in virtual intimate relationships online. While technology is a boon
such acts of violating cyber privacy either accidentally or intentionally is a
Trust this information compiled in
this blog post is of help. Reach out to me if you are a victim of such
cyber-attack at if
you need counselling and legal assistance.